Request to access the platform

Request to Access Data

Please fill the form with as many information as you can, clearly stating your affiliation, contact details and purpose of use, our team will check the request and come back to you ASAP with access information or occasionally with request for further clarification.

IMPACT provides controlled and secure access to the information collected from primary sources used in the research, with full profiles of organizations and a generic capaciy assessment, the data are saved on a separate platform and access is provided to NGOs, research institutes and individuals for development , partnership and research purposes. IMPACT has done its best to review, clean and check the integrity of the data provided by organizations, but it cannot guarantee the full accuracy of data available. the data will be updated reqularly with interviews and monitoring the development of organizations.
As per our safety and security policy, access is only provided for a portion of data upon request and needs.
data is collected and uploaded originally in Arabic and translated into English, however some of the notes and names of projects might still be available only in Arabic

Address of main office

Please specify your scope of interest

Please specify why you/your organization is interested in accessing those information

Terms and Conditions *

Legal Disclaimer *

1- The data provided in the database and access credentials are for the corporate/research use only, they may not be shared with a third party and for a reason other than the one stated above. please inform us if you intend to use it otherwise or for other projects or to share it with colleagues
2- Data was collected between  2020-2021. update for the rest is ongoing. for some organisations data might have changed, thus a margin of error is expected.
3- Data will be updated and new sections and interface will be introduced in the upcoming phases of the project
4- Please contact us immediately for any errors in the database to correct, or any bugs in the platform to fix.


الرجاء الانتباه الى
١- المعلومات المتوافرة في قاعدة البيانات و بيانات الدخول خاصة بالمنظمة او البحث وللسبب الذي اعلنتموه لنا في الطلب، تمنع مشاركتها مع اي طرف اخر او استعمالها لغير الاسباب التي تم التصريح بهاـ الرجاء اعلامنا في حال اردتم استعمالها لغير هذه الاسباب او لمشاريع اخرى او مع زملاء لكم.
٢- تم جمع البيانات الأساسية  خلال عامي 2020 و 2021 ، وعملية التحديث مستمرة . قد يكون هناك تغير في بيانات بعض المنظمات اي ان هناك هامشا للخطأ.
٣- سيتم تحديث البيانات كما سيتم اضافة اقسام اخرى و تحديث الواجهة في المراحل المقبلة من المسح.
٤- الرجاء اعلامنا في حال لاحظتم اية اخطاء في قاعدة البيانات او اية مشاكل في الموقع ليتم اصلاحها فوراً.


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